Monday 23 March 2009

...thought about Tsotsi and more

A touching dive into the life of a young thug, named Tsotsi. The film shows how circumstances turn a soft-hearted young boy into a mysteriously quiet, ruthless beast who is easily provocated and doesnt think twice before pulling the trigger. I was treated to this splendidly produced South African movie on friday night at the Student Union and I loved every bit of it. A sudden chain of events caused by Tsotsi's own brutality later reveal his caring, more humane side. The frustrations and emotions have been portrayed brilliantly, and the film succeeds in showcasing how Tsotsi tries to express his compassion and set things right, albeit with his rough manners and thuggish approach.
I'd give it a 8.5/10

It's been quite an eventful week, and a rather entertaining one at that (for a special reason =D) - I loved every bit of it.

My Initial D marathon has finally commenced after days of unbearable wait. Many thanks to SAABi for spending much of his time trying to download all the episodes in a crystal clear print. And boy am I glad that I waited and did not rush through the episodes midway through the dow
nload process. Why? The episodes have been cut so perfectly right when the action is most interesting and you're literally on the edge of your seat with your eyes absolutely glued to the screen. The episode ends so mercilessly, its almost annoying. Your mind is sometimes so engrossed in the story that you reach out to grab the popcorn from the bowl and actually forget to put them in your mouth, and then.....tut tut tut "Inishial Dee"...VLC goes blank.
I honestly feel sorry for the people who watched this show when it was aired weekly

Southpark's done quite a good job with 'The Ring'. I really enjoyed the Jona
s Brothers parodies, and two thumbs up for dissing JB and their freaky female fans in that manner.

Anyway, I'm going to be out and about in London in less than a week...Cant wait! =D

More from London, next monday...

...woops...almost forgot...Happy Pakistan Day ppl!

Cheers =)

Monday 16 March 2009

...thought about food

Yeap...the last week has been pretty much about cramming my stomach with anything edible I could get my hands on. I'm sure MYO restaurant is now rethinking their buffet strategy. Last night was a repeat telecast of tuesday's MYO restaurant episode, I actually gorged down on so much beef that I have barely been able to chew on anything since then...I've only had a couple of cheeseburgers, fries, a pack of biscuits, a bowl of cereal, some eggs, and other random stuff since the break of dawn today...So you see what I'm talking about...I've screwed up my tummy.

Besides that...My group of dedicated engineers and I have developed a few brand new braking systems for bicycles. Need a lawyer for patenting purposes :D

Monday 9 March 2009

...thought about broadband lets start with what i'm doing now. I've pretty much startled everyone I've told that i'd be spending all my time in the library when it's lights out for everyone else at their homes. My reason for being in the library through the night? I'd have said 'studies' if my parents were blog readers..but they too wouldnt buy that crap anyway. So yeah...I've really got nothing to do...and I decided to be here and suck on the amazing download speeds the university provides us with. Oddly enough, the internet is really down the shitter much makes my little hike from home pointless.
Okay, I've shifted from the library to the old and faithful Armstrong Siddeley lab, and the internet is considerably faster. Not that I was unhappy with the 1200kb/s download speeds I get here, but this was the first time the library was open 24 hours and they had been advertising this everywhere, so I guess I just wanted to see what the big deal was. Turns out it was undeserved hype and nothing like I was anticipating.

Anyhow, last week I finally installed Gran Turismo 2 on my lappie. I do truly owe it to this wonderful internet - I had to download 4 different setups before I finally found one that actually worked. The graphics are definitely a disappointment though. I remember playing this game like there was no tomorrow, and until 3 days ago I could have sworn that the graphics were atleast 10 times better than this. It really is dreadful to the point that I have to make educated guesses at recognising even the most distinct looking cars. The gameplay, and driving physics on the other hand are as good as they get. Sure, there's no damage effects but that just allows you to gain some unfair advantage IF you want to. It really is amazing how they've modelled several hundred cars, and have accurate information and physics for every one of them. Plus, the attention to detail and technical data provided during tune-ups and modifications is not only amazing but educating as well. I know here's where I started learning basic sportscar technicalities.

Lastly, I extend my gratitude to Baba-e-Torrent for unselfishly seeding Initial D at 400kbps. :D

more next week...

Monday 2 March 2009

...thought about the past week

The more significant happenings during the last 7 days - MATLAB(R), DiDO and Initial D.

Lets start with my weekend, which was probably the dullest one I've had yet. Spent 3 days completely doing my Matlab coursework, a mind-numbing software package that works using algorithms to solve mathematical problems. It all sounds great until you realise that friday was the first time I actually sat down to install, run and learn this software (right after someone reminded me that the project was due on monday), I had no idea of what the codes were and how they were supposed to be used. Many thanks to Dr.Goodall(the name says it all) for writing everything down in tutorial sheets and not explaining anything at all about the software. What's worse is, I had never seen and/or attempted mathematics like this before. Seriously, I somehow got my head round the algorithms, but what about the maths involved? The letters, numbers and symbols on the question paper honestly looked like a something from a Russian military transcript. Anyhow...enough ranting already, this episode too turned out to have a happy-ending in my opinion. I've just slid my work down the coursework submission box, and it gives me great pleasure to announce that I got away with 3 months of work in a mere 3 days. Okay, I didnt sleep very well during the weekend, but thats just a little compensation I had to pay for 87 days of no efforts or worries, and relaxation...a real bargain I'd say! :D
Honestly, I really hate MATLAB at the moment. Its probably too early to pass out my verdict since I've had very little exposure to this program. I have a feeling this would turn out to be a very powerful software, capable of producing amazing stuff; but my prime complain is the GUI. They should have made this more interactive and user-friendly, so it wouldnt feel like a pain in the a**.

The overwhelming feeling I'd experience everytime I'd listen to Dido is back! It had been some time that I'd been through my list of Dido's heart-warmers, and happily enough, one song was more than enough to bring back the pleasure. Next thing I knew I was listening to every Dido song I had...and thats pretty much every song she's ever sung :D I was also surprised over the fact that I had my thumbs down over Dido's new album. I told a lot of people that I was disappointed with it, and really take all my words back. I listened to the new songs properly, and they're not at all bad. I know they're slightly different than before, but they do arouse the same feelings the previous tracks did... Safe trip home ftw!

Initial D returns!...I'm gearing up for an Initial D marathon week. I just had one look at the legendary AE-86 drifting through a picturesque Mt.Akina corner with the 'dogfight' theme in the background, and I made my mind that I needed to watch Initial D all over again. Many thanks to SAABi for his persistence with torrents, and to everyone who's seeding Initial D. Torrent downloading has recently hit an all-time low and I cannot curse our 'not-so-virgin' virgin broadband enough. I've had a 460MB file downloading for 8 straight days, and seeing it stuck at 99.9% since yesterday is pretty agonising.

If you dont know what I'm on about, here's a little eye-candy...

Aight people...probably all you need to know about me this week :)