Monday 23 February 2009

...thought about Slumdog millionaire

What a load of bullshit this is. 8 oscar wins for Slumdog millionaire? So on paper, doesnt this make this 'brit indian crap' one of the greatest movies in the history of motion pictures? Probably because India is the second largest population in the world. I dont see another reason for this. Another thing that strikes me is, why is suddenly the whole western world so obsessed with indians? Seems wierd.I'm not envious of the Indian culture suddenly gaining everyone's appreciation, but I really dont understand why the Sari is suddenly 'IN' in the hollywood scene.
What was so wrong with Definitely, Maybe....or The day the earth stood still...that they dont even get to be a part of the oscars?
These 8 oscars have ticked me off for shizzle.